Transforming interior spaces with innovative acoustic solutions




Bespoke acoustic furniture

Designer: Rebecca Asquith & Tim Wigmore - Designtree

Categories: Bespoke

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Frankie Pendant

Bold ideas, elegant design, practical solutions

Autex collaborated with Rebecca Asquith and Tim Wigmore from Designtree to create acoustic furniture and lighting.


Original vision for the project


One of the designers at Designtree had used the Autex’s Vertiface® material in a previous product, the Nectar Lampshade, with great success. They wanted to explore using other products in the Autex range so they developed a brief for a scalable modular lighting system that used Cube panel.


Project Scope


Designtree began preliminary sketches for the work in 2012, releasing the first production prototypes for the Pendant at ICFF in New York in 2013. During the development of the design over the previous year, they had also explored ideas for a table and floor lamp using the same materials and similar detailing. The modular nature of the Frankie Pendant system, and the material – with its high recycled content combined with acoustic properties – were two of the key things that interested people, beyond the aesthetics of the products.

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Additional info


Initially Autex did not offer the exact solution they required, however they were able to work together to achieve the exact properties that they desired from the PET panel.


“We were chuffed to reach this solution as we wanted to work with Autex for two key reasons; the high recycled content of Autex products, and the depth of product information and support throughout the project.”

Unique benefits

Now that the Frankie Collection is established in the market, Designtree have found that customers are purchasing items from the range for three key reasons:

  1. The flexibility that Designtree’s modular lighting system offers has proven to be its primary benefit. The range of cord colours and the possibility to customise the Cube panel lampshade colours are huge draw cards, but the ability to extend a single pendant lamp lengthwise to create a long chain of lamps – using the Frankie Pendant Extension and corner kits – is the biggest asset.
  2. The unusual look of the product. It is something new and unique looking, in no small part due to the tactile nature of the Cube material.
  3. Designtree have seen the acoustic quality of the Frankie Pendant become increasingly sought after, as more clients develop an appreciation of the importance of the acoustics of various spaces.

Relationship with Autex

Where we can we like to support New Zealand companies that share our values around sustainability and quality.  Working with local companies makes things easy for us in many ways, including freight, returning offcuts for recycling and fast and clear communication with our local Autex account manager.

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